Utility Application for Service

To complete the Utility Application for Service online, you will need the following documents available to upload:

(1) Service address leasing contact or purchasing closing papers matching the utility applicant and physical address

(2) A  government issued photo ID (i.e. state issued driver's license or identification card, passport, US Military ID, permanent resident card).

These documents may be faxed to 512-756-8560 or e-mailed to utilities@cityofburnet.com.

Once you have submitted an online application and other documents, the Utility Department will contact you at the phone number provided on your application to pay your utility deposit by phone, with credit/debit card or you may pay in person at 1001 Buchanan Drive, Suite 4, Burnet, Texas 78611.  

If you have any questions about the status of your application or utilities please contact the Utility Department at 512-756-6093.

Street Address, City, State, Zip
If there is no secondary applicant, please enter N/A in all fields applied to the secondary applicant.

The undersigned consumer hereby makes application for and agrees to take from the City of Burnet the service or services covered by this application at the address given above, and agrees on or before the twentieth (20th) day of billing, each month, to pay the City for such services furnished to the Consumer during the period for which said billing is rendered, according to the amount thereof as established by, and in accordance with, the standard rates of the City as from time to time established for such class of service. The City shall not be obligated under this agreement to furnish any service of a type or character not available from the existing lines or facilities of the City. 

The Consumer agrees to permit the authorized agents of the City free access to premises of the Consumer for the purpose of inspections prior to the connection(s) of service of a type or character to determine that all service types comply with all applicable local, State, and Federal Building Codes.

The Consumer shall allow the property to be inspected for possible cross-connections and other potential contamination hazards. These inspections shall be conducted by the City or its designated agent prior to initiating new water service, when there is reason to believe that cross-connections or other potential contamination hazards exist, or after any major changes to the private water distribution facilities. The inspections shall be conducted during the Water System’s normal business hours. C. The City shall notify the Customer in writing of any cross-connection or other potential contamination hazard which has been identified during the initial inspection or the reinspection period. D. The Customer shall immediately remove or adequately isolate any potential cross-connections or other potential contamination hazards on hie/her premises. E. The Customer shall, at their own expense, properly install, test, and maintain any backflow prevention device required by the City. Copies of all testing and maintenance records shall be provided to the Public Works Department. F. The Customer is liable for contamination to their property or to the public water supply if the Customer causes the contamination to occur. The Customer shall immediately notify the City if the Customer causes any contamination. G. The Customer shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims or demands for damages to real or personal property occurring from the point the Customer ties onto the water meter to the final destination of the line installed by the Customer. The Customer agrees to grant to the City an easement of right-of-way for the purpose of installing, maintaining and operating such pipelines, meter, valves and any other equipment which may be deemed necessary for the City on City forms required by the City. H. The City shall have the right to locate a water meter and any pipe necessary to connect the meter on the property of the Customer at a point to be chosen by the City. The City shall always have access to its property and equipment located upon the Customer’s promises for any purpose connected with or in the furtherance of its business operations and upon discontinuance of service shall have the right to remove any of its property from Customer’s premises.

The City makes reasonable provisions to insure satisfactory and continuous service, but it does not guarantee continuous service, and will not be liable for loss or damage caused by accidents or conditions which it could not have foreseen or over which it has no control.

The Consumer agrees that this application and agreement is subject to all City Ordinances and Regulations covering the services mentioned, and that such Ordinances and Regulations are a part of this agreement.

Consumer authorizes the City to request and retain a credit report, payment history, and/or service verification on any person or entity making application for utility service from the City.  This information may be used when establishing the required deposit pursuant to Sec. 110-6(e) of the Code of Ordinances.  The City shall report to credit service(s) relevant payment information on all persons or entities listed above when payment of the utility account remains delinquent for more than ninety (90) days.  The City shall have the authority to report the payment history to other utility service providers.  The City shall have the authority to authorize and direct the city attorney to file suit to collect amounts owed the City for utility services and charges that remain delinquent for a period of ninety (90) days or more.  In the event of termination of service, deposits on the account will be applied to the final bill and the balance due, if any, will be billed to the Primary Applicant.  Likewise, refunds will be paid to the Primary Applicant.  All applicants, secondary applicants and responsible adults are subject to provisions of this document.  I (we) certify that the information provided in this document is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge.

The deposit received by the City of Burnet, is a security to guarantee the payment of any and all indebtedness from the Consumer to the Utilities Department of the City of Burnet, Texas, including, without limitation, indebtedness for electric, water sewage & trash services, merchandise and/or any other service regularly billed with the utility service bill. Consumer agrees to pay the City, at its office, for all such services furnished, according to the amount thereof as established by, and in accordance with, the standard rates of the City as from time to time established for such class of service is terminated and the Consumer is not indebted to the City for service, their security will be refunded upon request. If any part of the security is applied to the payment of an unpaid account, then the remainder will be refunded under like conditions as provided for the whole.

IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that all rights secured herein to the Consumer are personal, and that this certificate shall not become negotiable, nor subject to transfer or assignment.

By signing this Electronic Signature Acknowledgment Form, I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. Whenever I execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. I will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of my electronic signature or claim that my electronic signature is not legally binding.
By signing this Electronic Signature Acknowledgment Form, I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. Whenever I execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. I will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of my electronic signature or claim that my electronic signature is not legally binding.
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