City Secretary

City Secretary
Maria Gonzales
(512) 715-3209

The City Secretary is an officer of the City, appointed by the City Council. The position of City Secretary is a statutory position required by State law and the City Charter. In addition to the statutory duties of the position, the City Secretary serves as director of the City Secretary Department consisting of the City Secretary's Office, Records Management, Council Services, and the Public Information Office.

The City Secretary's Office is responsible for the preparation and dissemination of City Council meeting agendas and packets. The City Secretary must attend every meeting of the City Council and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings, engrossing and enrolling all laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City Council.

The Office of the City Secretary is the administrative agency responsible for the care and maintenance of all City of Burnet records. This office houses all legal transactions, City Council minutes, agendas, deeds, ordinances, resolutions, contracts and a vast array of other historical and regulatory information. The City Secretary is designated as the City's Records Management Officer by state law. She is responsible for developing and administering a records retention and destruction policy, monitoring the records storage centers, overseeing the control of electronically stored records, and upgrading technology to provide for efficient and economic storage of records. In addition to these duties, the City Secretary's Office responds to requests for City records filed each year under the Texas Public Information Act.

The City Secretary serves as the Chief Election Official for the City of Burnet. The City Secretary provides staff support and guidance during Charter review processes and prepares submissions to the U.S. Department of Justice for pre-clearance of election issues under the Federal Voting Rights Act.